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Hire a Freelance BigCommerce Developer
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Are you looking to take your online store to the next level and need a little help from a developer? Don't worry; we've got just the person for you! With over 10 years of experience in BigCommerce development, our freelance BigCommerce developers are more than capable of helping you create the perfect eCommerce solution for your business. Ready to get started? Post your project for free to get started in a few clicks.

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Home Hire Freelancers BigCommerce Developers
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Ana B.
Ana B.

Web Development
Web Design
Front end Development


Evgenii P.
Evgenii P.

Web Development
Mobile Development


Darla C.
Darla C.

Web Development
Web Design


Uttam R.
Uttam R.

Web Development
Data entry
Web Design


Jordan H.
Jordan H.

United States
Web Development
Windows Service
Web application
Database Development
Full Stack Development


Fernando M.
Fernando M.

Web Development
Game development
Android App Development


Burhan B.
Burhan B.

Web Development
Intuit QuickBooks


Surinder S.
Surinder S.

Web Development
Web scraping
Digital Marketing
Software Development


Gaurav M.
Gaurav M.

Web Development
Python developer
Django developer
Kivy development


Muhammad umair H.
Muhammad umair H.

Web Development
Web Design


River W.
River W.

Web Development
Web Design
ECommerce Website
Website Management
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Hire a Freelance BigCommerce Developer

Are you looking to take your BigCommerce store to the next level? Maybe you need some help customizing your checkout process or want to add a complex functionality that is unavailable in the BigCommerce platform. In either case, hiring a freelance BigCommerce developer might be your best option. But finding the right developer can be tricky. Following are the tips for hiring a freelance Big Commerce developer.

Who are freelance BigCommerce developers, and what do they do?

A freelance BigCommerce developer is a professional web developer who works independently to create custom eCommerce solutions for clients using the BigCommerce platform; technically, you can hire BigCommerce developers for your professional eCommerce development needs. A freelance developer is responsible for designing and building storefronts, integrating payment systems, and developing custom plugins and themes. To be successful in this role, Freelance BigCommerce experts should have experience working with BigCommerce, as well as strong problem-solving and communication skills.

BigCommerce developers’ services

  • Theme Customization (Including custom icons, buttons, layout tweaking, and other design elements) 
  • Integration (Connecting apps to BigCommerce stores) 
  • Migration (Including migrating from another platform to BigCommerce while taking care of broken links, complete information, and search engine results just like an SEO expert
  • Site Audit (Fixing low conversion rate or slow page loading and analyzing the links, content, and structure to resolve issues) 

Benefits of hiring a freelance BigCommerce developer

There are many benefits to hiring a freelance BigCommerce developer.

  • They can help you save money on development costs. Freelance developers typically charge by the hour or project, so you only pay for the work that you need to be done. 
  • Freelance developers are often more flexible than full-time employees when meeting deadlines and working around your schedule.  
  • They can be a great option if you have specific goals or objectives you need to achieve with your BigCommerce development project.  

How much does it cost to hire a freelance BigCommerce developer?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the cost of hiring a freelance BigCommerce developer will vary depending on their experience, location, and specific project requirements. However, you can expect to pay an hourly rate of $50-$100 for most freelance BigCommerce developers. While this may seem like a lot, it's important to remember that hiring a freelance developer can be much more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee. Not only will you save on benefits and other associated costs, but you'll also have the flexibility to scale your project up or down as needed. So if you're looking for a cost-effective solution for your BigCommerce development needs, consider hiring a freelance developer.

How to hire a freelance BigCommerce developer on Perfectlancer?

You can hire freelance BigCommerce developers on Perfectlancer in three simple steps:

  • Post your BigCommerce development project on Perfectlancer by defining a title, required skills, deadline, description, and price according to the project's scope.  
  • Check the flow of freelancers’ proposals sent to you. Also, you can browse top freelance BigCommerce developers on Perfectlancer and invite 20 freelancers to each project. Check out freelancers’ profiles, work samples, previously completed projects, and reviews.  
  • Hire the best BigCommerce developer that fits your project through Perfectlancer’s secure payment system to ensure that your project is completed safely and without any issues! 

At Perfectlancer, we believe in an optimal project process and perfect outputs in the end.

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Choose a title for your job. like these examples:
I need a WordPress developer for my company website.
I want to hire a logo designer for my company.
I need five seo-friendly content for my online store.
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