secure payment

In today’s business climate, more and more companies are looking for ways to save costs and be more competitive. One way to do this is to outsource your jobs to freelancers. This can be a great way to hire globally and tap into a pool of talents that you may not have access to otherwise. In addition, it can also help you to save on costs, as you will not need to pay for benefits or overhead costs associated with traditional employees. However, it is crucial to take the time to screen freelancers carefully before hiring them, as you want to make sure that you are getting quality work for your money. But if you take the time to find the right freelancer, outsourcing jobs by hiring freelancers can be a great way to save money and get the quality work that you need.

Even if your project is registered as a full-time project or if you have reached an agreement with a freelancer outside Perfectlancer, using a secure payment system and making financial transactions through Perfectlancer will bring you many benefits, including ensuring that the project will be done as perfect as it could be, Bringing quality control and fraud prevention. Our secure payment system makes hiring freelancers process safe and hassle-free.       

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What is Perfectlancer Secure Payment System?

If you are an employer or business owner, you certainly need services for your business from time to time. For example, you may need to design a catalog or brochure, banner or logo design for advertising, app or web design, content writing for a website, or even get graphic design services such as designing several professional posts for your Instagram page. Or you may even need a Spanish translation or translation into other languages ​​for office or university correspondence. Many of these services are project-based and temporary. For this reason, there is no justification for hiring an employee permanently.

Outsourcing and finding companies or people outside your collection is the solution for most companies and collections to do this type of project. But working with these people and companies is not without challenges. If you choose the wrong person or company, you have lost a lot of time and financial losses.


The main challenges that all employers and business owners face when getting professional services are the following:

  • Uncertainty about the quality of work and the final output
  • Request for advance payment from the contractor and impossibility of refund
  • Misbehavior and non-accountability of the person or company that is supposed to provide services to you.

Secure payment system: Perfectlancer Solution To Ensure Quality And Satisfaction

Using Perfectlancer secure payment system has significant benefits for employers. These benefits include the following:

  • The freelancer must edit and review the project until the employer approves the result.
  • Until the approval and satisfaction of the employer, the project amount will remain with the Perfectlancer secure payment system and will not be paid to the freelancer.
  • Unlike traditional work methods, no amount is paid to the freelancer as an advance payment. In case the project is large and has multiple stages, the freelancer and the employer can make payments in installments.
  • Suppose there is a dispute and the dispute between the employer and the freelancer is not resolved. In that case, Perfectlancer will be in charge of arbitrating and resolving the dispute as a reference.
secure payment

Secure Payment System Benefits for Freelancers

Perfectlancer Secure Payment is a win-win system and has many benefits for freelancers. One of the main challenges for freelancers is the uncertainty of payments and fulfillment of financial obligations. By using a secure payment, the freelancer can be sure that they will receive the amount by fulfilling their duties, and there will be no worries about payments. If you work outside the system as a freelancer and attract your customers from Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or other methods, you can bring your customers to Perfectlancer for more reassurance and eliminate worries about financial obligations, and use the Perfectlancer secure payment system for your projects.

How to activate and use the secure payment system?

The secure payment system is activated automatically as soon as the freelancer is hired and the project starts, simultaneously creating a true work diary. Using this system is entirely free for you. Even if you are communicating with a specialist through WhatsApp, Instagram, phone, or other methods to do your business services, we recommend you to use the Perfectlancer secure payment system. If you do your projects through Perfectlancer, the Perfectlancer secure payment system will support you until you are satisfied with the result. By inviting the project manager and doing freelance jobs on Perfectlancer, you will use the benefits of the Perfectlancer secure payment system, and you will receive the result with confidence and without worrying about misbehavior, unprofessional behavior of the project manager, and low quality.

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